Showing posts with label Surgeon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Surgeon. Show all posts

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Bypass IV: Going Home

"How long before we can get back to the golf course?" is the question we had posed to all the surgeons and cardiologists we met in our pre-surgery rounds.

"Two months" was the answer. Standard deviation : nil. Considering their diverse backgrounds, it is obviously a figure approved by the IMC, the RCS and the FDA not to mention the International Golfer's union. Or mandated by God. It also turns out to be accurate.

No one told us how hard we would have to work to get there. We thought the two months will be like an extended recovery from a nasty flu. Lie back and get unending TLC. All needs, whims and fancies met. We know how to deal with that.

Reality Bites
Shortly after we are ferried back from the ICU, and before we have settled in, the young physio-therapist turns up with an equally young associate. Manuben One has a piercing gaze and holds our attention effortlessly as she describes in a soft voice the physical routines we have to follow. Manu Two has dancing eyes that dare us to look away as she demos an exercise or corrects what we are doing .

Walking Solves Everything
The first thing they teach is to Suck and Blow. The exercise tool for lungs is a plastic contraption with a teat and balls. Suck ten times. Blow ten times. Repeat till the balls are jumping around happily.

Next come exercises for the chest, arms and legs. Fatigue is not an excuse, it earns a very short respite. In no time they have us standing up and trying to take a step. Alok and Kusum told to encourage us to do the routines as often as possible. They take it very seriously. They hassle, cajole and help us.

In three days the Manus have us walking out of our rooms and around the corridors to cheering from nursing staff much like a one year old gets when he takes his first few steps. On the fourth day they take us up and down a flight of stairs.

Talking Helps
All three surgeons visit us every day at different times. They never miss. One day they come even after a sixteen hour overnight surgery. Hats off.

Surgeons Two and Three are primarily on check up rounds. Removing sundry detritus left behind by the procedure. Questions are asked and are answered. By them and by us. Medication for pain management as also for regulating liquid and solid input-output is constantly fine tuned. The dressings come off. As do the pacemaker wires inserted 'just in case'. Very businesslike.

Surgeon One comes in the evening. His visit is more like a social visit. He sits down with the family and we have a natter running to half an hour or so. This, more than anything else, helps us mentally along the path to recovery and gives everyone the confidence that things are turning out well.

He apologises, almost, for the hospital food. We discover his favourite sin food is Samosa. His wife has learnt not to expect him with certainty for any meal. Somewhere along the line he also takes a quick look at how we are coming along physically.

He takes us through what is happening and will happen inside our body. The refurbished heart he has fashioned for us should serve us well for 12 to 15 years if we take good care of it. The fractured rib cage he has given us will never heal. The veins he harvested will leave our lower legs numb for months to come with shooting pain from time to time.

The first evening he cautions: Be prepared for good days and bad.

A Horrible Day
The third day after surgery is the worst we will go through in this episode of our life. We don't sleep well, waking up again and again to answer the call of the diuretic we have been given. Kusum sits up all night by our side. Alok lies awake on a couch in the living room, jumping up every now and then as we stir noisily. A she-dracula turns up before dawn to draw blood. The bath service arrives at 7 a.m. and is followed shortly thereafter by house keeping and then by breakfast.

By 9 a.m. we are through for the day. Washed out. Manu One and Two arrive at the appointed time. For the first time in our life we turn away attractive young women. They make two more attempts during the day before giving up in pouty good grace.

When Surgeon Three arrives for the first medical call, we lay down the law. Henceforth, no one will disturb us before 8 a.m. He instructs the staff nurse. Thank you. Then onwards everything is tickety-boo.

Chalo Ghar 
On the fifth day out of the operation theatre, Surgeon One tells us that they are done with us. They will carry out a few tests the next day and if all is as expected we can go home the day after. That would be three days short of the plan.

The next day Florence One, after doing whatever tests can be done in the rooms, sends us off in a wheel chair with a pilot to the lab for an echo-cardiogram. Alok is our escort this time.

The Ultimate Test
As we wait, bored to distraction, in the Sunday-quiet corridor for the elevator to the lab floor, we hear a clickety-clack approaching from behind us. As it nears, we look south-south-east to find a pair of red stiletto heels leading to well turned ankles leading on to slim fit denim jeans leading further north to a rare sight, an end that justifies the jeans.

We look north-north-west to see if Alok shares our appreciation of perfection and find a wicked smile.

"Ready to go home, Dad!"

And so it comes to pass.

ps: For Alok's take on the ultimate test, click here.

pps: This is the last post on the Bypass per se, but Friend One called after the last post to say, "Levity is all very well but you need to put down stuff describing where you find the strength to go through something like this". Son One says we need to acknowledge everyone who helped us go into it smiling and to come out of it smiling. Fair enough. So here it is:

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Bypass II : On to the Theatre

12 August 2010. Looks like payback time for the lifestyle choices made all through one's life. Knowingly. So no regrets.

But, before cutting and chopping, perhaps some more previews of the precious angio-graphic film are in order. We give ourselves two weeks and set out, avec la famille, to present it to half a dozen prominent cardiologists and surgeons.

A surgeon we meet loves the film so much, he sings along to the action on the screen drumming his fingers to the beat. He calls up the referring cardiologist and, without missing a beat, goes
“O.K. I have seen it. There are at least three grafts that I can see. But it’s a mess. I’ll have to take a final call when he is on the table. Probably end up grafting everything in sight.” Then turning to us, drumming incessantly, “You heard that. Any questions?” None now. Perhaps later. Can we call him? “Mr. Manchanda the moment you step out I will not remember your case.”

We love the guy. As we leave him knowing we will never see him again, he fires a parting salvo “Please don’t trust any cost estimates my hospital gives you. Just add 50%."

Next we call on a cardiologist friend who looked after us for many years. Those who know both of us think that we drove the poor soul away from regular practise into the relative sanity of medical research. Not wholly true. He is rabidly anti knife. His reaction: “If you go to a fish monger what do you expect him to sell you but fish? Dr. X is the guy I would trust to find a way around surgery, if there is one. Go see him. If he says you need surgery, you do.” 

So we did as bid. Dr. X said we did indeed need surgery. 

No way to bypass the bypass, we call up the Manipal Hospital, talk again to Surgeon One and fix a date. These are the people we are most comfortable with, and they have been endorsed by our friends in the medical profession.

Surgeon One tells us that all we need to do before going in is organise four units of blood. While it is not really needed during the procedure nowadays, it is collected as a measure of abundant caution. The man offers to be a standby donor, if we run short of donors.

Well wishers chip in
While all this is happening, friends and relatives, as also those in it faar-de-faanner-fit, write, call, visit or all three. Everyone has a story. Their own, or second hand. Almost all positive.
Our sole brother had bypass surgery some ten years ago. Our sole brother-in-law had two angioplasties some twenty years ago. He comes in from Chandigarh to be with the family.

An old college friend’s wife calls from Calcutta. From her personal experience on both sides we learn that it is much easier being inside the OT rather than outside. We are in because we have earned the privilege or been blessed with it. Anyway we are under anaesthesia. Those outside have done nothing to be there, are worried sick and have no idea what is happening inside.
Another lady visits and regales us with stories of failed open heart procedures. This includes the hilarious tale of a bloke declared successful who suddenly decides to give up the ghost after two uneventful days in the ICU. She has us in splits.

We prepare a will and brief the family on what to do if.

Like a vacation
Going in for a medical procedure is like going on a beach vacation. You don’t need any clothes.The latest wife, however, like all good Indian wives on a beach vacation, needs to pack practical but modest garments for the duration.
It’s sold as a package. Ten days. All found. Price depends on type of accommodation. Luxe block has more staff per bed. Attached bath. Fresh linen daily. Dedicated pantry. Room service on demand. Horrible food.

30 August 2010. We check in. Allotted the same suite we had for the angiography earlier. Received by the very same Florence One who had processed us then. In no time there is a parade of people coming in to check blood pressure, draw BUS samples, and carry out ECG etc. For some tests the labs won't come to us. We are wheeled out for a sightseeing tour of labs, escorted by Kusum. One lab is in the basement next to the mortuary. Just a reminder.

A dietician drops in as does the anaesthetist. Everyone is relieved we are not diabetic. Small favours gratefully received.

Somewhere along the line a moustachioed bloke turns up, demanding that we strip. He then unpockets a razor and proceeds to relieve us of body hair from neck to toe. It takes six blades. About three blades through, Surgeon One peers around the curtain between the living room and the bed room with a loud “Hello Anil”. This is followed rapidly by “Sorry, will come back later”. Followed by equally rapid exit stage left.

Through all this, No. 1 Son Alok is donating blood and co-ordinating with some half dozen donors. Mostly his friends. Including one young lad who very nicely comes up and wishes us good luck. And a remarkable, also remarkably attractive, young woman who happens to come in with someone and decides to donate. We do not get to meet or thank her. The only donor we know is young Abha Jhol, daughter of an old college friend. 

Meanwhile, a couple of good friends are nice enough to come by and keep Kusum company. Making sure the two men in her life haven’t driven her completely bonkers. Yet.

The Man Himself
Towards the evening, Surgeon One drops in with his retinue. He spends a few minutes briefing us on what to expect the following day. We are relaxed before he starts. By the time he is done it begins to look like a picnic.

He then dismisses his staff and settles down to general chit chat. We agree that it is not easy to organise a family vacation when the wife loves shopping, the teen daughter is interested in ancient civilisations and you want to chill out in pleasant open spaces and beautiful landscapes. And how wives really do not understand that an emergency surgery is more important than a dinner date.

This diverting interlude is followed by a Gandhian enema. The day ends with a hot purifying bath. We are not sure if we are given a relaxant but we sleep well through the night. Dreamlessly.
P.S. There are many reasons to neither confirm nor deny the existence of a Pre-CAB club.
